Weed Strong

It’s Not Cynicism


AP Photo/Jessie Wardarski

Sometimes I feel like my posts have a little bit of a, let’s say, cynical view of the cannabis world. I’ve been accused of this before. By coworkers, friends and my wife. I truly do take this feedback to heart. I grew up in a household that had a critical bent. Once in a little league football game I dove to catch an overthrown ball that would be a viral video today. Later my dad said, “That was good, but you should’ve stayed on your feet”.

So when I talk about cannabis with a critical slant know that it is coming from a place of love. Love for the plant, the people who always knew prohibition was wrong and the industry that has sprung up as a result.

I am critical because I don’t like Kool-Aid. Never did, not gonna start drinking it now.

We’re in a tough spot at the moment. Yes we are over regulated. Yes 280E is bullshit. So is testing as we know it, most cannabis zoning policies and regulations with financial requirements that all but assure those most impacted by the war on drugs will never participate in its fruits.

But there are self inflicted wounds that cannot be ignored. Sloppy business practices and lack of appreciation for plant science on one end, and lack of respect for the culture and straight up greed on the other. Everyone sees what is wrong on the macro level but don’t want to acknowledge that our current federal status has allowed operators to dodge some big bullets in the form of uniform standards and commonplace practices that all other businesses have to abide by.

My dad wanted me to stay on my feet because if I had, I would have scored that touchdown and had all the glory. The Culture still has the opportunity to do so, but we all need to be real about the things we can be better at and remind everyone else what we bring to the table.


I had a wonderful time at The 2nd Annual Business of Cannabis Conference in Hartford,CT (aka The Land of Steady Habits). I met a lot of new people, reconnected with old friends and heard some no non-sense talk from folks like Jeanne Sullivan and Ben Zachs.

Kristensen Steele & David Lagor of Strategic Captive Services

On the heels of their failed merger with Cresco Labs, Columbia Care has now rebranded themselves as The Cannabist. I’m sure the weed will be much better.

Mold & aspergillus testing has been a sore spot for many operators around the country. As a result many businesses have resorted to decontamination techniques in order to remediate failed batches and ultimately pass testing. Colorado is now contemplating a requirement to label those batches. I’m on the fence here. Consumers have the right to know exactly what they are getting, but what are the true dangers of these products?

“Turn mental blocks into building blocks”

Thanks for reading,
