Space - The Final Frontier

Photo: Paul Brentlinger

I’ve had the privilege of traveling around the world these last couple of years and everything is much smaller. Rooms are smaller, restaurants are smaller, restrooms are smaller.

It’s a small, small world out there.

This has led me to question the way we use space. In our personal lives and in our businesses.

The way we use space is not sustainable.

I have been in cannabis facilities where the aisles were 8 feet wide… 8 feet wide! I don’t know what these guys are growing, but clearly it’s not weed.

Cultivation real estate is expensive, so why are people so nonchalant about the way they utilize it?

When you’re planning a new facility, measure everything down to the inch. Then choreograph how it works like that scene from “The Founder” .


Get creative on how you use space. Is there a task (or tasks) that only occasionally happen? Can you make this square footage modular space? How many offices do you really need? What can and should go on casters?

This is an age old battle - CFO vs Gardener built. And like most things the truth lies somewhere in between. Just make sure that when you are planning your facilities everyone is at the table.

Pound Sand

This week I sat down with Liam Spenser, Director of Cultivation for Bgood dispensary here in Denver. I asked Liam, “What should a grower look for when deciding on an environmental control system?” Here’s what he said -

“There are a couple of factors to consider. First off total budget and size of operation. Is it greenhouse or indoor? You need a company that can offer a package based on your specific needs. Think about who is going to be at the helm of your grow and how difficult the user interface is to navigate. The ability to gather data and make real time decisions is crucial because of the short life cycle of the plant. And you have to have high quality sensors, they are your front line and need to give correct readings… Ultimately find a system that is proactive not reactive”.

Liam Spenser

Other News

Why are cannabis businesses afraid of smartees?

Water consumption in indoor cannabis cultivation is no where near as bad as the often quoted 6 gallons per plant per day number.

In what I am sure will be the first of many, Canopy Growth is auctioning off some equipment.

Product News

Thrive Agritech has a new fixture that delivers a whopping 2350 umol at 840W! Reach out to Steve for more details.

Thanks for reading,
