MJBizCon Recap

MJBizCon 2022

MJBizCon gets bigger every year.  Lots of familiar faces, lots of new money and lots of new gadgets.  Here are a couple of things that stood out to me -     TSR grow   They provide a seamless control system for lighting and a monitoring system for all other environmental conditions.  The front end is extremely user friendly; I felt comfortable within 5 minutes of navigating the touchscreen.  Trend lines were as granular as 10min increments all the way up to years.  On the back end all the ballasts terminated in a designated rack that makes maintenance a breeze.  Figgro  Figgro is a software solution that fills the gap that currently exists on the back end.  All the stuff cultivators and production teams need to track - performance of trimmers, packagers and extractors.  Trend lines for strain, cultivator and building performance. Really good stuff and they are willing to tailor it to the end user.   A lot of new pre roll machines out there but I still like the simpler stuff.  Unless you have the critical mass to drive the bigger machine they may not be worth the expense and when the question of maintenance came up there were a lot of long winded answers that left me scratching my head.  If you don't have the capacity and don't want to spend big $$ these are still the best- - Media23633044209861  Thanks, d