Ozempic vs Weed

Everyone is on Ozempic.  Ok, not everyone, but a lot of people I know are taking either Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro or some other semaglutide containing drug. Some are taking it because of its original purpose; to control diabetes.  Others are trying to shed a few pounds; no shame in that.

When I think back to first seeing the, “ Oh, oh, oh, Ozempic,” ad a couple of years back it struck me because of the seemingly throw away mention that this drug may lead to weight loss.

Wait, What?!!?

That’s like telling my dog we’re going to the vet to check on their peanut butter supply. At the time I joked with my wife that this statement is all anyone is going to hear.

Well played Novo Nordisk!

Then, of course, the celebrity use avalanche started. It’s funny how quickly the body inclusive/beautiful movement got pushed aside once an easy way to skinny came about - but that’s fodder for another article.

Some folks out there are predicting 2024 will be the beginning of the Ozempic economy.  Q3 earnings calls indicate that major retailers like Walmart are already seeing a slight demand decline due to weight loss drugs.  Krispy Kreme was downgraded due to the effect of weight loss drugs.

So how does all of this affect cannabis use?

The active ingredient in these drugs, semaglutide, works by curbing appetite but also has effects on the brain by influencing neurotransmitters to release dopamine, meaning users may no longer seek out pleasure through drugs and alcohol.  There have been many patient reports of quitting smoking and vaping after using semaglutide.  It also seems that the medication has an impact on addictive behaviors of all types and the compulsive thoughts to use or abuse begin to dissipate over time.

It is well known in the cannabis world that 20% of the customers drive 80% of the revenue.  These 20% are the habitual users, the same model the alcohol and tobacco industries were built on. What happens when these folks no longer have the appetite for daily use?

People will continue to use cannabis and the market will continue to grow as new states come on line. The real question is the pace of growth and the retention of current consumers now that there is a new sheriff in town.

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything”

Thanks for reading,
