Myths, Fables and Fairytales

Myths, Fables and Fairytales

SEA OF GREENBy Duncan Cameron, SOW Consulting LLCJune 9th, 2023

There are a lot of myths out there when it comes to growing cannabis. Give props to the legacy growers for getting the train rolling, but a lack of plant science knowledge has led to many misconceptions of what is and isn't needed in cannabis cultivation. Here are a couple of things to consider -

Green lights during night cycle

- Just about every grower does this. Need to check on that room that's off. No problem, just turn on the green lights or use a green head lamp and everything will be cool. Well, that's not what the science says. When we measure PPFD in the day we use micromoles as the unit of measurement. At night the impact can be measured in


Cannabis is uniquely light sensitive and any amount of light at night can affect flower yield and plant morphology. Most folks won't recognize this because the concern has always been avoiding hermaphrodites, but controlled studies have proven this to be true.

High EC, particularly phosphorus

- Your plants can take it but they don't need it. You're wasting money and resources... STOP!

Keep turning up the lights!!

Cannabis can take it, more so than most other crops.

Flushing at the end of the flower cycle

- This anecdote is probably one of the most pervasive and hardest to change. Flushing

does not

remove excess nutrients from buds. That would be like assuming drinking a gallon of water after eating a cheeseburger will wash away all that cholesterol. What it does do is slow flower maturation by removing calcium and boron, reduce the visual appeal of the flower and reduce terpene content. Side note - The black ash/white ash debate is ridiculous. Anything that's



ChatGPT is already helping researchers design


Hydrogel growing - The Japanese company Mebiol pioneered this concept but

is now taking the mantle. Conceptually I like hydrogel based substrates as an alternative to non sustainable peat and rockwool, and for the water use reduction.

. Everything is now wifi compatible.

If you have cultivation questions or need help with your setup hit me up. And while you at it

"If you think you can, or you think you can't, well, you're right".

Thanks for reading, d