Mind Your Business

21st Century Cannabis is a Specialized Field

Back in the heyday of prohibition, aka my youth, we were always happy when we found weed. Even when you had to dump the bag out and sort through the seeds and stems you were still pretty stoked to have scored. Occasionally you would run into really good stuff. In South Florida we called it hydro, crippy, indo or red bud. It was mostly grown locally in indoor grows scattered throughout South Miami/Dade County.

Well, times have changed. Prior to state mandated testing most growers would seek out the heaviest yielding cultivars that were the easiest to grow. If it had a decent nose, even better. That made perfect sense. People’s tastes weren’t that discerning, THC numbers weren’t an issue and the need to squeeze the most out of every square foot was paramount.

Now you have to ask yourself the question -

What am I growing for?

Biomass? Concentrates? Packaged flower? Joints? Your business is highly dependent on what strains you decide to grow. This is information that you need to have before you turn on the lights or even start construction for that matter.

A building designed for a market in 2012 was undoubtedly made with a big processing area for trimming and packaging. Selling joints wasn’t thought of as a business and concentrates were just starting to take off. Automation was either non-existent or if available, not up to snuff. Fast forward to 2023 and without major renovations, these facilities are woefully inefficient.

There will always be changes in the cannabis industry. There have been many upheavals since its inception but we are getting to the point where at least several distinct lanes are emerging. Knowing which one you are in and which one you can be best at (yours truly can help you there) will save you many headaches down the road.


Even though Q3 sales have been mostly down around the country, there are some bright spots. Maryland saw double digit growth and Florida is poised to be a giant in the industry, albeit one run solely by MSO’s.

E-cigs are a recycling nightmare. Who would have thought a small, flammable, metal and plastic cylinder filled with lithium would be dangerous? Next up, popcorn lung.

Speaking of things that pop, the Sea Of Green podcast has been popping off lately. Check it the latest episodes and like, listen and follow where you listen to fine content.

The best ability is availability

Thanks for reading,
