Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne


By Duncan Cameron, SOW Consulting LLC

Well, if you are reading this that means you've almost made it to the end of the year.  If your year was anything like mine you probably dealt with a lot of ups and downs, frustrations, some small wins and of course, change.  After almost 13 years I left the company that I started with in the cannabis industry.  I learned a lot about growing plants and growing a business, what to do and what not to do, and most importantly, made some friends along the way.  Even though it's a little daunting to be untethered for the first time in over a decade I have to say that my word cloud, from big to small, would read





and further down the line fear.  No regrets.  Here's to '23!!

Now down to some business.  

According to everyone I've been talking to and all of the leading macro economic indicators it looks like the first couple of quarters of next year are going to look a lot like more of the same which is to say, not so great.  But with every down turn there is always opportunity - to get leaner, more efficient and for self reflection.  All traits that will help propel the survivors through this period and beyond.

The Atlantic 

held its first Progress Summit last week.  This was a gathering of thought leaders in business, academia and the arts discussing new ideas in science and technology.  One of the themes that kept recurring was the importance of people and creativity.  To quote Ed Bastien, CEO of Delta Airlines, "

The most important resource is our people and the most important skill for a CEO is harnessing that power.” 

It bears remembering that after all of the flashy new tech and trendy business theories, people are still the core of every business.

Ever wonder how weather effects your business? 

 does every day.  Sure we all know that folks would rather shop in a mall on a cold day rather than go to the farmers market but how do windy days effect sales?  Hot and dry?  Do Indica strains really sell more in the winter?  Believe it or not there is data you can mine to help drill down on all of these events in relation to your business.  

It seems lots of folks are jumping into the seed game lately. 


 and my personal fav for old school strains

.  Strain drops have always made the most noise but genetics is the only real gold.  Having stable seeds that breed true time and again is going to separate the amateurs from the real pros.  It seems that the message that old school heads have been preaching forever is finally starting to get through to the broader market.  


 Formulating a good IPM program is key to the success of any ag operation; open field, greenhouse or indoor.  It is inevitable that pests will show up one day and being a good steward of the environment, while passing all of the required State tests is no small feat.  Beneficial Insectary knows your enemies enemies.  Become their friends.

 Looking to start a new farm?  Have no idea where to start?  Agritecture designer is a good place to begin the process.  This software allows you to build and compare models for greenhouse or indoor grows, do financial projections based on your crop, design energy models and much more.  

  Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season and I'll see y'all next year, d